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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Minecraft: Trees

In minecraft, trees are very handy and help you survive.  Minecraft trees look like this:
all kinds of trees

When chopping trees, you left click with anything in your hand, and you will get a block of wood.  If you take a block of wood from the bottom of a tree, the tree will not fall down, and it will just float.


 If you chop down a tree with an axe, you will be able to cut the tree much faster than if you chop it with your fist.  Here are all the different axes:


Saplings are like seeds in minecraft, and if you have one in your hand and right-click, you will plant the sapling.  After a couple of minecraft days, your sapling will be a full grom tree!
     You get saplings from leaves, and if you destroy a leaf block a sapling might fall from the leaf.

 Thanks for viewing.  Go get that wood today!


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